Western Rocky Dive Site

Western Rocky is one of the archipelago’s southernmost dive sites in Myanmar and perhaps one of its most exciting in terms of the breadth of diving on offer. Western Rocky itself is a small island, sporting a diveable passage right through its heart that just manages to be lit by daylight all the way through. A guest appearance by a three-metre nurse shark is not uncommon and there are good chances of seeing other shark species including the famous whale shark, bowmouth guitar fish, harlequin shrimp, frogfish and sea horse, while the anemone-lined cavity is full of oversized lobsters and crabs.
The four islets off shore are worth a dive on their own, their walls blanketed with clams and colourful sponges, and busy with big reef squid and chevron barracuda. Canny divers who plan their itinerary well can enjoy a spectacular night dive on the south wall where the red and orange coral are lit to perfection by the moonlight.